Sculpture by Ira Sherman

Sculpture by Ira Sherman

Empowerment Through Art

Artists Amongst Us provides a platform for artists to express their unique perspectives and talents, creating a vibrant and inclusive community. Whether through visual, performance, or multimedia art, our diverse artists bring cultural awareness and creativity to the forefront.

Our nonprofit aims to provide a welcoming and inclusive space for artists to perform, collaborate, and grow. Through a variety of events, workshops, and exhibitions, we aspire to spark creativity, foster understanding, and celebrate the richness of diverse artistic expressions.

By supporting artists and promoting cultural exchange, we strive to enhance the quality of life in our communities and promote a deeper appreciation for the arts. Through our efforts, we aim to inspire creativity, promote unity, and leave a lasting impact on the artistic landscape.

Join us at Artists Amongst Us as we work towards a future where creativity flourishes, connections are forged, and cultural experiences are amplified for all to enjoy and cherish. Together, let us build a world where art thrives and artists unite to create a more vibrant and interconnected society.

Our Mission

Artists Amongst Us is a nonprofit organization devoted to fostering diversity, inclusivity, and social justice within the vehicle of art by offering quality education, performances and outreach, empowering artists in a performative space with the purpose of elevating our culture in Denver.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a platform where artists from all backgrounds come together to showcase their talents and increase cultural experiences within communities. We envision a world where art knows no bounds and serves as a bridge connecting people across different cultures and perspectives.

Meet The Founder

My devotion and belief in the arts, as a vehicle for transformation, supports my commitment to working on enriching the lives of the people I meet and invite to collaborate with our team of creatives.

Understanding the significance of leadership, partnership and friendship, in designing the culture I envision for supporting the collective, I realize discernment is key in managing a safe place that benefits the highest of intentions for all involved.

Focusing and creating experiences infused and inspired by love, I aim to provide opportunities for people to discover themselves uplifted and in alignment with the resonance and transcendence that the arts can provide.

I invite you to witness and explore your creative interests in our current venue that has become a home to Artists Amongst Us and offers dreamers and doers a chance to participate in many ways.

We can call it “the third place”; where in sociology, this refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace.

Please join us as we build this community together, in this celebration of living and being, connected to each other in a culture of inclusivity that can be found here.

In gratitude,


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and the culture of Denver.

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